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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MORE Carbon Savings

Concept by: Daisy Carlson
Contact E-mail:

MORE Rewards© is a public carbon accounting, and banking system that provides revenue for strategic permanent capture and storage of carbon that simultaneously provides essential food, water and energy security to those most affected by climate instability. With MORE Rewards© the public and business can earn valuable points for their CO2 savings and increase their market participation in a carbon-constrained economy. Using carbon as a metric, all consumer purchases can be offset and carbon savings can be measured, tracked, and enhanced.

MORE is an acronym for Money Organisms Resouces Ecology and provides a business model with a biodiverse bottom line using carbon as a secondary currency to measure social and environmental values in business structure and personal savings.

MORE provides more value, more clean air,more clean water, more habitat, more species protection, more health more food energy ad water security.

Below is a proposal to integrate carbon into existing business structures on a percentage basis that functions similiarly to rewards points that can be banked, traded and invested. The metric for these points is the amount of additional and permanent carbon storage provided and is designed to work in conjunction with the cap and trade market.

Think of a carbon credit union.

Profit is measured by two metric currencies CO2 and $. /the triple bottom line should read People Planet measured by carbon currency and shareholder benefit measured by State currency as the profit values. Benefits occur in various currencies that are measured as profits and losses. Carbon is invested upon inception in habitat restoration and clean energy with a multitude of benefits throughout the system. State currency needs to reinvested to provide future benefit.

/ \
CO2 $
People/Planet Shareholder
social /environmental shareholder/business maintenance
invested at inception w/return requires future investment for return

MORE Rewards© for Consumers is an international rewards program that will significantly reduce carbon (CO2 ) in the atmosphere through CDMs . Consumers collect CDM points which can be cashed in, traded and invested at current co2 prices-10% . Using models similar to airline models.

MORE Rewards© for Business is provides CO2 accounting and offset investments for any size business. Using carbonand environmental footprint software to establish opportunities for cost savings and carbon investments. Investments can be made on percentage of sales basis for incremental carbon banking that will significantly business liability by reducing your companies debt of carbon (CO2 ) in the atmosphere. MORE Rewards© provides opportunities to use advertising dollars for CO2 offsets to facilitate consumer buy in for your companies commitment to the environmental innovation and protection through carbon credit profit sharing with your consumers. Participants are provided a personalized Web 2.0 dashboard to manage points, CO2 and H2O footprints, corporate partners, community links and provide offset project information.

Corporations will be able to use green advertising dollars to provide fund matching and rewards points gaining valuable green consumer buy-in, while reducing CO2 with advertising dollars. MORE Rewards© carbon savings points are accumulated at point of purchase with linked credit cards that create carbon saving investment pools. MORE Rewards© provides a carbon savings program for those interested in banking carbon emissions and trading it in the form of voluntary energy reductions in the open market using “Rewards Points” as the exchange currency for carbon. In addition, it provides products and services to businesses for carbon product assessment and labeling. MORE Rewards© provides carbon footprints at the point of purchase, a direct interface with responsible choices. MORE Rewards© tools provide the average consumer with more knowledge of the true costs to health and the environment. MORE is an acronym for Money, Organisms, Resources and Ecology as a ‘bottom line’ metric measured by carbon. With MORE Rewards© all four values are provided through carbon reductions.

There is not enough incentive for consumers or corporations to reduce carbon emissions. The current system is upside down and charges the responsible consumer rather than reward them. MORE Rewards© takes this opportunity to provide incentive for environmental and social stewardship, increase green market share, and reduce carbon emissions and poverty using carbon as a common currency. Carbon reductions are a valuable commodity and low carbon, environmentally-friendly choices are currently not rewarded monetarily. Global warming is increasing poverty and drought worldwide, and this has yet to be successfully addressed. MORE Rewards© will help the international community scale carbon reductions faster by providing access to the carbon markets for individuals through points acquired at the point of purchase and with corporate partner relationships. MORE Rewards© Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) offsets will reduce emissions while simultaneously providing essential funding for international clean energy development. Ending hunger in our lifetime requires robust economic solutions that are intrinsic to the global economy. Carbon reductions provide economic incentive and building public buy-in is essential to reducing emissions to below 350ppm. MORE Rewards© offsets provide food, water and energy security to those most affected by climate change by funding the permanent and additional storage of carbon in soils, clean energy, and banking those reductions for consumer participants. Carbon reductions may be the world’s largest commodity. It is also the first currency commodity directly related to global health. Carbon reductions are the economic superhighway to a restorative economy. MORE Rewards© will take this opportunity to reduce carbon by providing incentive rewards for consumers, consumer buy-in for companies to build and compete for green market share, and essential funding to reduce carbon emissions and poverty. This lowers the cost of low carbon choices. By developing a program similar to frequent flier miles we can raise awareness, consumer participation and funds. The global market for MORE Rewards© is bigger than the frequent flyer market and yet is virtually untapped. As of January 2005, a total of 14 trillion frequent-flyer miles had been accumulated by people worldwide, which corresponds to a total value of 700 billion US dollars. A system that rewards low carbon choices is an opportunity to achieve the buy-in needed for a low carbon economic revolution.

MORE Rewards© provides the first state-of-the-art, open and standards based carbon product footprint measurement, accounting, tracking, and public trade system offering its services to consumers, and corporate clients over multiple channels such as mobile/smart-phones, web and physical retail locations. MORE Rewards© is the first public carbon savings bank where carbon savings can be tracked like a bank account with deposits and debits based on the carbon usage of an individual and held in the form of valuable, tradable points. Our system will allow individual accountholders options to track their carbon savings account and carbon budgets online and even have access to carbon savings rewards redemption and similar services that are sponsored by the corporations. MORE Rewards© offers direct investment and finance options to participate in additional creation of investment pools for Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs), that offset carbon and provide essential development to those most affected by global warming. (i.e., developing countries). MORE Rewards© provides access and funding to certified carbon reductions projects that permanently store additional carbon in the form of CDMs worldwide.

According to Peter Fusaro, Chairman of Global Change, carbon is the largest and most valuable commodity in the market. Carbon has the potential, according to a 2008 New York Times article, to become the world’s biggest market overall. Effective international public trading systems are essential to building this market. Carbon as a global ‘currency’ commodity is the first currency directly related to global health. The value of its reductions increasing is imminent as it directly relates to the quality and capacity for life on earth. MORE Rewards© values carbon appropriately for all general consumers and reimburses the current surcharge for responsible choices through frequent reductions points, gaining the requisite buy-in and accelerating carbon reductions and industry participation. This system facilitates certified offsets throughout, providing genuine green solutions, both consumer and corporate buy-in through value propositions. Allowing individuals access to a closed market may drive the price of carbon emission up to its true cost. As of January 2005, a total of 14 trillion frequent-flyer miles had been accumulated which corresponds to a total value of 700 billion US dollars. The similar MORE Rewards© system can provide billions of dollars to further R&D of habitat restoration, carbon storage in food and water security systems. With this accelerated scheme, we can achieve 80% reduction in carbon equivalent emissions sooner than 2050.

MORE Rewards© receives revenue from Point of Sale carbon offset contributions, corporate contributions to rewards points, and offset matching, converting advertising dollars into valuable carbon offsets. (Approximately $1 per $100 spent) Additional revenue is generated by the public MORE Rewards© carbon savings bank, carbon trading activities, on-line advertising, rewards partnerships, green searches as well as the sale of carbon offset services and trades. Government subsidies and assessment services also provide revenue. Primary revenue source is anticipated to be through accumulation of carbon savings activities transaction-fees-based model on carbon savings rewards card (up to 2% in card management fees), a similar currency to airline mile transactions. Furthermore, we will charge customary transaction fee and commission for brokering carbon-trading transactions.

Market Size – As carbon emissions become a liability and carbon reductions an asset, The Financial Times reports that the carbon market could “outstrip the conventional commodities markets” by more than $3 trillion in 2020. Bart Chilton, commissioner of the CTFC, said: “The potential size and scope of a structured carbon emissions market in the US is unequivocally vast. It is certainly possible that the emissions markets could overtake all other commodity markets.” With MORE Rewards© consumer buy-in, it is feasible that all credit card and web sales could provide offsets at $1 per $100 consumer dollars spent.

MORE Rewards© has not yet accepted funding and will raise 1 million in the third quarter of 2009 and launch a prototype in 1st quarter 2010. We will require a total of 2.5 million in investment to bring model to reasonable scale by 2011. MORE Rewards© will be profitable by fourth quarter 2011. The company will be sold in 2015. MORE Rewards© is a new concept—frequent flyer business models are the most similar to this model.
Unit price - $1 per $100 consumer dollars spent.
Volume – 10% of all consumer sales by 2020 will have rewards options at $1 per $100 spent.

2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Earnings 0 0 10% 15% 22%
Total Revenue 0 1m 4m 10m 20m
Headcount 4 6 10 10 15

MORE Rewards© maximizes social return by using carbon as its primary metric and currency. MORE Rewards© increases the carbon-constrained market viability, and provides significant funding for restorative activities that store and sequester carbon and decrease poverty worldwide. CDM funding for international development that permanently stores carbon is our most valuable asset and goal in the coming years. MORE Rewards© provides an international platform for mass consumer participation using a model similar to frequent flyer points. We are creating frequent carbon reductions points. MORE Rewards© decreases deep poverty through CDRs, clean development carbon storage projects. There is more carbon to take out of the atmosphere than miles to be flown, so the market and opportunity is huge.

HUGE Village (acronym for Hexagonal Hive to Unified Global Ecology) is MORE’s online village for global awareness.
Essentially the world is the TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves MORE).

The current active members of this Team are as follows:
Daisy Carlson, Co-Founder MORE Rewards© & Green Search©,
Founder and CEO of Daisy Arts Inc., Charming The World and MORE Rewards©
branding, product design, import manufacturing and currency trading since 1991;
Ashish Krishna, Co-Founder of Green Search©, Enterprise Software and Middleware Industry at Oracle;
Chris Young, Founder of Cephus Capital Management Principal,
Compliance Officer, Senior Portfolio Manager;
Joseph Morea, Managing Director of US Equity Capital Markets at RBC Capital Markets;
Brewster Kahle, Founder of, Internet entrepreneur, digital librarian, invented WAIS system;
Peter Fusaro, Founder of Global Change Associates, Founder of Wall Street Green Trading Conference; Carla Borelli, Marketing communications, social media marketing development and management.

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